When you discover you have a food sensitivity, you might assume you’re in store for a significant lifestyle change. Although it can feel intimidating that you may have to rethink your diet, it’s essential to know your food sensitivities and the reason behind the onset of symptoms. The worst thing about being sensitive to certain foods is not the adjustments you must make; it’s not knowing you’re exposed to them in the first place. Find out what food is making you ill by using our tests and getting to the bottom of your problematic diet.
Get to the bottom of symptoms caused by food sensitivity
Food sensitivity symptoms vary in severity but include digestive complaints such as feeling bloated, stomach cramps, fatigue, and skin irritation. However, these are not unusual problems to suffer from and can easily be attributed to ‘eating too late,’ ‘being overtired’, or ‘feeling anxious.’ Individuals with food sensitivity can experience these physical symptoms for months or even years without knowing the cause.
What food is making you ill?
As well as being unpleasant to live with, this can impact your physical and mental health, social life and sleep quality. Once you know the problem and its reason, you have the power and knowledge to do something about it. Find out what food is potentially making you ill, and learn from us about how we can improve your lifestyle, diet, and health.
Change your diet to suit the needs of your body
If you take one of our food sensitivity tests, you’ll receive a full report and detailed breakdown of the food and non-food items that your body reacts to. This will give you the information you need to change your diet and cut out foods that cause your health to suffer. If you’re sensitive to lactose, for example, you can try different kinds of milk in your hot drinks that are better suited to your digestive system.
Without taking a food sensitivity test, it can be hard to pinpoint what items trigger the onset of symptoms, so it’s entirely possible you could be eating the offending ingredient for a long time to come. Getting the result may require some adaptation, but it’s better to know what foods to avoid than to continue eating or drinking something that will make you feel unwell.
Understanding your sensitivities helps you plan ahead
As much as we may think that eating out with food sensitivity can be complicated, it’s much more challenging when you feel you could be sensitive to specific ingredients but isn’t sure what they are. How do you know what to order off a menu if you think a meal might contain an item that triggers your symptoms? By better understanding your food sensitivity, you’ll be able to choose dishes you can enjoy and won’t cause your body to react.
Likewise, if you know you are sensitive to an identified food and plan to eat at someone’s home, you’ll be able to inform them in advance what ingredients you need to avoid. Finally, by finding out what foods kick-start your symptoms, you can make the most of social events without worrying about how your body will respond to the dishes you consume.
Learn more about what food is making you ill
If you want to learn more about food sensitivity or order one of our Food Intolerance tests, you can email [email protected] or send a message through the contact form on our website.