
Bloating: How can I get rid of it?

A bloated stomach can be the bane of everyone’s life. It can cause us distress both mentally and physically. A bloated stomach can be incredibly distressing for individuals concerned about their weight and body shape. If you are dieting all day, every day, and feel like you should be losing weight, having a bloated stomach could lead you to feel emotions you are trying to avoid. It is important to realize that bloating doesn’t mean that you are fat. It just means that your abdomen is extended. So when looking in a mirror, don’t panic too much if you have just eaten something! Bloating doesn’t mean your fat. It just means that you have likely eaten something that your body is struggling to digest and can’t tolerate the food anymore.

Getting rid of your bloated stomach

Getting rid of your bloated stomach can be done quite easily, thanks to advances in technology. It often comes down to simply modifying your diet. You can find alternative foods to complement your favorite meals, which may no longer be good for your body. The most common examples would be finding alternatives for foods like wheat and dairy, all of which cause digestion issues and bloating. If you have ordered a food sensitivity test and this has identified potential issues, then you would need to find alternative foods. If you start drinking soya or almond milk rather than cow’s milk, then a bloated stomach could be a thing of the past.

Bloating: What causes it?

There are many things that cause bloating, but the most common issue tends to be food. Whilst drinking (notably coffee and caffeine) can also cause bloat, it will tend to be food that is causing your symptoms. We’ve produced many articles on what causes food intolerance symptoms. You can read them all here, but there do tend to be specific foods that are likely to cause a bloated stomach. Wheat, dairy, and lactose intolerance usually result in bloating. However, you must remember that lactose intolerance differs from typical food intolerance and will not likely be picked up by a food sensitivity test. Not only does it cause bloating, but there is a likelihood that diarrhea and flatulence will follow as a result of the bloat. Trapped wind is a common cause of bloating and can occur via stress, anxiety, or simply eating minimal foods.

What gets rid of bloat?

Unfortunately, you can’t get rid of bloating as such. You would need to let it pass. This can come by either going to the toilet or being flatulent. However, as mentioned earlier, there is a way to cut bloating off at the source. If you evaluate your diet and conduct an elimination diet, you will likely not experience this symptom of food intolerance. Simply because you have removed that element from your diet. It can be hard work, and it can be tough, but in the long run, it definitely works out. There are always alternatives; remember, it is worth it to stop the bloat. You don’t have to remove the food from your diet forever, only six weeks.

Order a food intolerance test to stop a bloated stomach

Shop now to buy a food intolerance test. It will help. If you order today, you can set out a diet plan and prepare for the intolerance testing report. When you receive the report, have a look at the red items, and you will need to remove these ingredients from your diet. Learn more about dealing with intolerance symptoms from US Food Intolerance and read our food intolerance-related articles. We’d love to help you live a happier and healthier life.

How to stop Diarrhea: Could it be caffeine related?

Wondering how to stop diarrhea? The simple answer is to change your diet. Diarrhea is often a symptom of a bad diet or food intolerance. Therefore, one of the quickest and easiest ways to stop yourself from suffering this painful and embarrassing symptom is to modify your diet. Diarrhea is often the result of a caffeine intolerance as well. Without going into too much detail, we know what can happen when we have that first cup of coffee in the morning. That is the idea of caffeine, though. It sets your metabolism up for the day. However, it isn’t meant to cause stomach issues and a lot of pain. For some people, having stomach issues and diarrhea is embarrassing, but for others, it can cause a lot of pain and be very destabilizing. This can be mentally distressing if it affects someone’s work life because they are constantly going to the toilet. Here’s a little more about how to stop symptoms like diarrhea and bloating by modifying your diet.

Modifying your diet to stop diarrhea

When identifying how to stop diarrhea, the first thing you can do is discover what is causing your symptom of intolerance. A food sensitivity test will help you to note which items are causing issues. If caffeine, for example, comes up as a potential issue, then you likely have a caffeine intolerance. To act on this, you would need to modify your diet. This would involve removing your morning cup of coffee from your daily routine. If coffee isn’t flagged, but you know you are consuming too much anyway, it is also beneficial to reduce your intake. Caffeine intolerance is a real thing, and it needs to be managed. Even if the item isn’t offensive now, it could be in the future. Too much coffee would result in an intolerance to caffeine.

But why should you remove caffeine anyway? Doesn’t everyone drink tea and coffee? It is a very popular aspect of life for people to drink coffee and tea in the morning. However, that doesn’t mean it is right or normal. Well, caffeine can also cause more issues than it solves. If you are already feeling a high sense of emotion, such as stress or anxiety, then it is likely that caffeine will exacerbate this and make you feel even worse. Particularly if stressed, the default setting is to reach for a cup of coffee to feel a sense of calm. However, this could actually be the worst thing that you are doing. You are more than likely making the problem worse.

What is the link between caffeine and anxiety? (and therefore diarrhea)

There is a strong link between caffeine and anxiety. Caffeine is a psychoactive drug that can cause or exacerbate anxiety and other stress-related signs and symptoms in many ways. Anxiety can also lead to symptoms of intolerance, such as diarrhea, bloating, and constipation. So it does feel like a simple solution, doesn’t it? Simply remove caffeine from your diet, which can help you stop diarrhea. It’s not always easy for some, though, as caffeine can be quite addictive. This, in turn, can often cause more stress as people don’t think they can kick the addiction. And what do stress and anxiety lead to? Usually, it leads to stomach issues such as bloating, diarrhea and flatulence, as well as bloating. There’s enough research and science to suggest this is definitely the case.

So one way to stop diarrhea is certainly to try and remove caffeine from your diet. We know it won’t be easy, but many find it easier to try decaffeinated coffee or simply reduce their intake. There are others who have tried switching to herbal teas or juices to get their energy intake. This isn’t always easy, as getting out of a routine is hard. But it does help with removing intolerance symptoms.

How to stop diarrhea

So, how can you stop diarrhea? To stop diarrhea, you need to manage your diet. It won’t always be down to caffeine intake, but it will likely be the result of food intolerance. The common causes of these sorts of symptoms include meat, dairy, wheat, gluten, and the aforementioned caffeine. A food sensitivity test would be able to help you identify if any of these are causing you issues like flatulence and bloating. You can order a sensitivity test from US Food Intolerance if you want to do stop experiencing these embarrassing and painful symptoms. But there are more ways that would help you stop experiencing diarrhea, including an elimination diet and finding alternative foods. These include goat and soya milk as an alternative to cow’s milk, for example. There is also the option of finding gluten-free desserts. All of these actions would go a long way to helping you to stop diarrhea.


Shop now and order a food sensitivity test today.