Will intolerance testing help me eat less?
It’s that age-old question, what else can I do to lose weight? Sometimes you try everything but you just feel rubbish. The thing with weight gain (or lack of) depending on your target is that it can cause your mental and physical stress. Recently, a lot of people have turned to intolerance testing to see if their diet is the issue. You may just be a single person trying to get your body in shape, or you may be a runner trying to get in physical shape. Regardless of your aims, if your body is disagreeing with your diet, you won’t achieve weight loss.
What is intolerance testing?
Before answering the question about how intolerance testing will help you with your diet, lets actually talk about intolerance testing. If you purchase an intolerance test from US Food Intolerance then you get advice and tips on how to eat better. Not just eating less though, but eating better and healthier. With intolerance testing, you get a report explaining exactly what foods you can and cannot eat. So, whilst you are also limiting your portion size, you are also learning which foods could be causing your symptoms.
Some intolerance symptoms include bloating, weight gain, brain fog and fatigue. All of these can eventually add up to weight gain. If you have gained weight then naturally you want to eat less. Well, this is why intolerance testing helps you. With an intolerance test, eating the right foods allows you to take control of your body. Alleviate these symptoms, including bloating and fatigue by cutting out foods you are intolerant to. A holistic approach to feeling better, the aim of an intolerance test is to help you understand your body more. Additionally, it will help you eat better.
Intolerance Test results
US Food Intolerance has one aim, and that is to help you. By giving you a better understanding of your diet, you’ll carve out a successful lifestyle. After you have completed the intolerance testing process, your results are sent you to via an email. What you wil receive is detailed below:
Your intolerane test results will arrive in your inbox having been broken down to itemised departments. Using a common traffic light system, you will elan which foods are good for you. You will also learn which foods are bad for you. The percentage that is listed next to that food item tells you how likely your body is to be affected by that food.
Acting on your report
If you do have a food intolerance, you need to learn how to deal with it. Our intolerance testing report is filled with advice and tips about dealing with your food intolerances and sensitivity. Our team have put together in-depth advice which helps you to avoid the suggested foods. With plenty of food alternatives across the US, you can find the best diet alternatives out there.
Categorized information
Want to know a bit more about how we divide the items into categories? Chat with our customer service team at US Food Intolerance. Any questions whatsoever and we are on hand to help you.